November 1, 2009

Why Dark Chocolate Is a Healthy Food

We’ve been starting to hear for a while now that dark chocolate is not only not bad for you, it’s actually being considered a health food. But this can’t be true, right? It has to be a hoax by the chocolate companies to get us to buy more candy, doesn’t it? Actually, more and more studies are finding that dark chocolate, in moderation, may have health benefits.

Dark chocolate is chock full of antioxidants – powerful chemicals that neutralize free radicals. These are dangerous particles from the food you eat, the air you breathe, and from pretty much everywhere. In short, antioxidants prevent cell damage that can cause everything from heart disease to cancer.

Dark chocolate also contain plant phenols, which have been show to lower blood pressure. Many studies have been done, not just on plant phenols, but on dark chocolate specifically, that have shown by eating a small amount of dark chocolate each day, you can actually help to treat moderate high blood pressure. The key is replacing other similar foods in your diet with dark chocolate to compensate for the added calories.

Just remember that dark chocolate does not replace eating your vegetables!

Many people look at dark chocolate labels and assume it’s bad for you because of the fat content, but not all fat is bad for you. Dark chocolate contains some bad fat, but also contains quite a bit of fats that are beneficial. They help keep your body running properly and can help prevent certain diseases.

When it comes to picking dark chocolate, you need to be particular. You may feel inclined to pick up dark chocolate at the grocery store because you’ve heard that it’s for you. The problem is, if you look at regular store brand “dark chocolate,” it’s probably at most 59% cacao, and that’s on the low side. To be truly healthy, dark chocolate should be at least 65% cacao, such as the Ghirardelli Chocolate Intense Dark Chocolate Bars, 86% Cacao Midnight Reverie, 3.17 oz.

While you may be able to find it at a regular grocery store, you’re probably better off looking at an organic market or health food store. Regular stores often don’t carry it because most people don’t consider true dark chocolate as tasty as regular chocolate.

You can find dark chocolate at most organic markets and health food stores. The beauty of these places is that you can often find different varieties like cherry chocolate and other flavors. They provide a tasty treat without removing any of the health benefits.

So, if dark chocolate is so good for you, why don’t you get the same benefits from milk chocolate or white chocolate? The answer is obvious: milk. Chemicals in the milk tend to interfere with many of the powerful, healthy chemicals in the chocolate. That means not only should you go for darker chocolates, you should also never wash down your healthy snack with a glass of milk Hold the calcium boost until later in the day.

Like everything else, dark chocolate is good for you in moderation.

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Alexis Rodrigo
