How to Make Your Own Air Fresheners

Air fresheners can be expensive and many of them are too strong or have a chemical smell that?s just not pleasant. However, going without an air freshener is sometimes just as unpleasant. Garbage, pets and bathrooms all benefit from a little freshening. Here?s how to make your own air fresheners.
Step #1 Decide what type of scent you?d like to have. Lavender is calming, eucalyptus is invigorating and deters spiders, and lemon is fresh and clean. Purchase the essential oils online or at other natural grocery stores. Some craft stores also often sell essential oils.
Step #2 Bring one cup of water to a boil and mix in four packets of unflavored gelatin. Stir until the gelatin has dissolved and then remove from heat.
Step #3 If you want your air freshener to have color, you can add a few drops of food coloring. If you want it to have texture, you can add items like lemon peel, eucalyptus leaves, or even flowers.
Step #4 Add up to ten drops of your chosen essential oil and a cup of cool water.
Step #5 Pour into your chosen container, baby food jars work well. Cap or cover with plastic wrap and place in the refrigerator to cool.
When cool, you?ll have gel air fresheners you can place wherever you need, or want, them. However, if you?d rather mist the offensive area or spritz freshener where you need it, you can make a spray air freshener.
Spray Air Fresheners
Step One ? Again, choose your favorite essential oil or a combination of oils.
Step Two ? Purchase a spritzing bottle. You can grab these at the dollar store.
Step Three – Add one cup of witch hazel, which you can also buy at the dollar store or drug store.
Step Four ? Add 10 or more drops of your essential oils, cap, shake and spray when needed.
You can also drop essential oils on light bulbs. When they?re on the warmth will heat the oil and spread the fragrance into the air. Place essential oils on pine cones, potpourri items or other decorations around your home for a natural air freshener without the expense or the chemicals.

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Alexis Rodrigo

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