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Anqelique’s Birth Story
by Angelique A. McCullar
I had an interesting pregnancy… I was surprised to get pregnant to begin with after 5 miscarriages. After cleansing my body with herbs/tinctures, using natural products (Luna pads) during my cycles, and using a fertility monitor I got pregnant and stayed pregnant w/ the use of Progesterone suppositories.
I knew I was getting close when I I got a burst of energy. I did all my grocery shopping and got the entire house cleaned and ready for company. I even had everything ready to go to the hospital. My mother-in-law predicted that I would give birth during the full moon… I did and so did quite a few gals that were in my Lamaze Class. Weird huh?!?
I had a few small complications along the way, but was able to carry her to almost 38 weeks. Her head sat so far down the last week I thought she was going to come out my butt and she had a little red ring on her head (it went right away). I had scar tissue (from so many miscarriages) so I was stuck at 3c for the longest.
My water only partially broke so the doc had to use the needle to break the rest. Once the doc did that he said it would take at least another 6 hours before I gave birth. She was so far down I couldn’t even sit… I stood the entire time I was in labor.
Four hours after the doc broke my water she arrived. He almost missed the entire thing! The nurse and my husband did all the work… he just got in there in time to catch her. I did it completely w/out any drugs or otherwise. Actually the nurse asked me to take an aspirin that night so I would finally get some sleep… I had slept in over 72 hours so I was pooped. I ended up with a beautiful little girl 6lbs/11oz and 19in.
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