Category Archives for "Pregnancy & Birth"
photo credit: Jay Dugger I received an Email recently about the findings of another study that reveals yet another possible danger from baby formula. Knowing that baby formula just isn’t good enough for our babies, I wasn’t surprised to read about it. What did pique my interest – and scare me a little – was […]
Continue readingphoto credit: diluvi If you’re a new Mom who is nursing your baby you may be nervous about [tag-tec]breastfeeding in public[/tag-tec]. Or perhaps you are disturbed by media reports of women who are harassed for breastfeeding in public and are considering pumping your milk to give your baby when you leave home. Here are some […]
Continue readingWhen it comes to parents making decisions about their children, a lot of value is placed on us being able to make informed choices. Take the case of deciding how we will feed and nurture our babies, for example. Many new parents believe they are making an informed choice when they decide to use baby […]
Continue readingHere are breastfeeding tips for coping with sore nipples. Remember that a little soreness is normal during the early days of breastfeeding (especially for first time Moms). However, extremely sore nipples beyond that time is a sign of a problem, and one that can likely be solved with minor changes. You can prevent and treat […]
Continue readingWhat is the real cost of baby formula? Breastfeeding is not just a healthy choice, it’s also an economical choice. And the longer you breastfeed, the more the savings add up. As babies mature, they eat more. If you’re bottle-feeding, that means your expenses grow along with your baby. Nursing, by contrast, costs no more […]
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