Category Archives for "Health & Beauty"

October 12, 2010

The Dangers of “Third-Hand Smoke”

For decades we’ve heard about the dangers of smoking and of second-hand smoke. But there are now concerns over “third-hand smoke,” or smoke that has penetrated fabrics, paper, and other substances, and settled on indoor surfaces. This residual smoke can, apparently, form new chemicals when it settles on common household items such as carpets and […]

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September 26, 2010

Emotional Healing with Homeopathy: How to Deal with Stress Naturally

Stress is a significant problem in our modern era. Many people turn to powerful drugs to help them cope, but there are alternatives. Homeopathic medicine offers a natural alternative to cope with stress. Homeopathy, or homeopathic medicine, is often considered synonymous with natural or alternative medicine. But homeopathy is a specific kind of natural medicine. […]

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