- in Natural Baby by Alexis Rodrigo
Homemade Baby Food
Want to make homemade baby food? Why not? It’s inexpensive. You’re sure that you’re giving baby wholesome foods without any chemicals or preservatives. And with the right techniques, it’s really easy and fun.
Here are some useful tips for making your very own homemade baby food.
The trick to making homemade baby food conveniently is to prepare a lot of baby meals and then freeze them.
Buy fresh, preferably organic vegetables, when they’re on sale. Steam them on the stove or in an electric steamer until very soft. Blender in some water to a fine puree. Imagine the same consistency you get from bottled baby food in the grocery.
Now here’s a neat trick: Pour the puree in ice cube trays. Cover and freeze. I used these baby food/breastmilk ice cube trays:
When the cubes are frozen, move them to a ziploc bag. Don’t forget to label the bag with the name of the food and date when you made the puree. The cubes should be good for up to 3 months (check for specific storage periods in the books below).
To use, thaw the cubes (one cube is equivalent to about 1 ounce) in the refrigerator overnight. Microwave for a few seconds to soften. Or, if you’d rather not use the microwave, place the ziploc bag with the cubes inside, in a bowl of hot water, until the cubes are warm enough. Stir well and check the temperature before giving to baby! Don’t worry about giving cold food to your baby. It won’t harm him and he’ll soon get used to it. Just remember, you don’t have to obsess about giving warm food.
Use the same technique to prepare and freeze fruits, cereal, beans and legumes. As your baby gets more experienced in eating, you can mix the cubes together. To save even more time, store cubes you plan to serve in the same meal in one ziploc bag. Just grab 3 bags before bedtime to thaw in the refrigerator.
As your baby grows, you can skip preparing food separately. Instead, set aside a portion of the family meal – before you season it with salt – and puree or mash with a fork. You can make cubes from these family meals as well.
If you want a month-by-month guide of what you can feed your baby, check out these homemade baby food resources from Amazon.com.
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