How to Detox and Heal Eczema

If you’re one of the three percent of adults that has to deal with eczema, you know what frustration feels like. You’ve probably tried all kinds of pills, creams, and seemingly ridiculous regimens with very little luck. Well, all these chemicals you’re adding may just be part of the cause of your problem.

As we go through our day, toxic chemicals are continually entering our body; they’re in the food we eat, the chemicals we put on our skin, and even in the air we breathe. While a little bit of these chemicals is fine, after a few years, they build up in our bodies, slow us down and can even lead to negative health effects. Eczema is one of the negative effects many people believe is caused by these chemicals.

The good news? This means that if you periodically flush these chemicals out of your body through detox, you may see your symptoms decrease almost immediately. Plus, you’ll probably feel better and lose some weight, too.

So, you know why to detox and what to detox – the next step is the how. The truth is, there’s no one way that has been proven best for detoxing. A juice fast is often recommended, but a cleanse that can work great for eczema is an apple diet. Simply eat fresh, organic apples for several days. Any variety works, in fact, you’ll probably prefer getting a few different kinds to liven it up a bit.

There are also various fruit and vegetable juice cleanses you can try. Just remember to use freshly squeezed juice and not bottled to ensure you get all the vitamins and active enzymes.

There are many companies that will sell herbal complexes you can take to help cleanse your system. While this is a great way to detox, always take great care when using these products. You always want to research what products you try and consult an expert and a doctor before taking anything, as many herbs can have interactions and side effects. Also, there is no regulating body like the FDA to regulate what goes into these products.

Once you’ve detoxed your body and seem symptoms improve, don’t stop there. While periodically detoxifying your system will flush the chemicals out of your body, it’s best if they never get there in the first place. Try eating less processed and more fresh organic food and using natural skin, hair, and other personal products. Many people have benefitted from increasing their fatty acid intake as well. This will keep you looking and feeling better between cleansings.

If you try a detox and see results, but they immediately return when you return to a normal diet, your symptoms may be from a food allergy. Try recording what foods you eat with symptoms. Review your records every so often to see if a specific food is triggering your symptoms. You may need to avoid certain types of food like dairy or gluten.

For many people, a detox diet alone is still not enough. For full treatment, you will likely need to use the topical treatments provided to you by your doctor. You should also let them know of any herbs or special diets you use in case it interacts with your other medication.

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Disclaimer: This website is not a substitute for consultation with your health care giver. You should not use any of the exercises or treatments mentioned in this website, without clearance from your physician or health care provider.

Disclosure: When I mention products, you must assume I will receive compensation for doing so. However, I only recommend products and services I myself use or believe in and would recommend to my own sisters and mother. Nevertheless, you should perform your own due diligence before purchasing a product or service mentioned in this website.
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Alexis Rodrigo

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