October 22, 2009

How to Get Beautiful Nails

Most of us spend a lot of time making sure that our face and hair look great. Why? Because it’s usually the first thing a person sees and notices about us.

However, a good impression of your appearance can be turned upside down quickly after they shake your hand and notice poorly cared-for nails. That’s why it’s important not to stop caring about your appearance when you’re done with the obvious.

Here are some tips to keep your nails healthy and looking as good as the rest of your body.

The first step in getting your nails healthy is getting yourself healthy. If your body is lacking nutrients, it’s going to show all over, even your nails. Be sure to eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. You may even want to take a daily multivitamin or other supplements.

Buff your nails regularly. This keeps them from looking rough, but it also helps get oxygen to the nail bed and gets the blood flow going. Both of these are essential for healthy, beautiful nails.

When applying nail polish, or a nail treatment product, applying a quick thick coat is going to be a bad choice in the long run. To get a good look, apply a thin coat and allow it to dry fully, then apply more coats.

Beautiful looking nails are not just about the nails themselves, it’s about the cuticles as well. Soak your cuticles to soften them before you ever try pushing them back so you don’t damage the surrounding tissue. After you have pushed the cuticles back and trimmed them if necessary, be sure to keep them soft and hydrated by applying oil regularly.

A while back, I was a bridesmaid at my best friend’s wedding and I made one of the worst nail decisions imaginable: fake nails. Sure, if you get them done professionally by someone who is really good at it, then you might be able to get them to look nice and natural.

However, if you get fake nails, and want your nails to stay looking good, be prepared to keep them. Fake nails destroy the real nail underneath, so if you remove them, you basically have to wait for the part you put the fake nail on to grow out before it looks good again. My suggestion is, work with what you have.

When buying nail care products, you don’t need to spend a lot of money. A basic nail care kit will work for basic materials; however, you don’t want to cut corners when it comes to what you put on your nails. Try using natural, high quality products. These will help nourish your nails instead of leaving them dry and cracked like alcohol-containing products can.

When it comes to your nails, a little bit of work can go a long way.

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Disclosure: When I mention products, you must assume I will receive compensation for doing so. However, I only recommend products and services I myself use or believe in and would recommend to my own sisters and mother. Nevertheless, you should perform your own due diligence before purchasing a product or service mentioned in this website.
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Alexis Rodrigo
