November 25, 2008

Natural Beauty: Processed Foods And Your Skin

Farmer's Market
Creative Commons License photo credit: John-Morgan

When food is cooked and processed, it loses vital nutrients. When you eat nutritionally “dead” food, you don’t get the nutrients your body needs to function efficiently. This shows in your skin. If your skin cells aren’t properly nourished, they don’t look as good. You’re also more prone to acne and other embarrassing infections.

People who advocate the [ tag-tec ]raw food diet[ /tag-tec ] believe that cooking your food is too much processing. Raw foods contain live, active enzymes that help you digest your food more efficiently and improve your body’s functioning and your overall health. And remember, the healthier you are, the healthier your skin will be. Many people who increase their intake of raw food as opposed to cook notice a positive change in their skin. Raw food can help to reduce wrinkles, age spots, eye bags, and even acne, leaving your skin beautiful and radiant. That’s what being a natural beauty is all about.

[ad#ad-2] We all know that when we’re tired, we look worn down, our skin is duller, and we just get a haggard appearance. Having enough digestive enzymes comes from eating raw, live fruits and vegetables. This speeds digestion giving us more energy from our food. When we have more energy, we feel and look less tired.

We’ve discussed what food loses through processing, now let’s focus on what is added to food during processing. Most large food conglomerates aren’t concerned about keeping you healthy; they’re concerned about selling product. Chemicals are added to keep food fresh longer, change its color, change its texture, or even to make you more hungry or thirsty after you eat or drink it. (One example would be MSG which is added to many boxed and prepared foods including most soups, salad dressings and the like.) These can be toxic do your body. They build up in your cells, making them function improperly. Also, if you have acne or other skin ailments, your breakouts may be due to an allergic reaction to these chemicals.

In order to look good, your skin needs to be healthy. This means proper nourishment and fewer toxins. This can be achieved with a healthy diet including fresh, unprocessed foods.

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Alexis Rodrigo
