June 14, 2010

Health Benefits of Summer Berries

Berries are some of the most healthful foods, and summer is the season of the berry. From strawberries to blueberries to cherries, summer brings these healthful fruits to our tables. They are more affordable in summer, being in season. Here are some of the more commonly available berries and their health benefits. Welcome! If you […]

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How to Choose Eco-Friendly and Toxin-Free Paint or Wallpaper for Your Nursery

Preparing your baby’s nursery can be a wonderful time of planning and dreaming. Many times, that means choosing a paint color or wallpaper (or a combination of both), furnishings, and flooring. Today, many people are aware that the fumes from paint, wallpaper and carpet can be toxic. Babies, with their tiny, developing systems, are especially […]

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