December 19, 2009

Skin Care Tips for Men

If you’re walking through a department store, you’re unlikely to find skin care counters for men. Men seemingly aren’t as concerned about their skin as women. However, they may still want to follow these skin care tips. Did you know your skin is the largest organ of your body? It sure is! That’s why it’s […]

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December 18, 2009

Natural Remedies for Sanitizing Your Kitchen Surfaces

Food-borne illnesses often begin in the kitchen. Bacteria that tend to live in kitchens include staphylococcus (which causes boils, pnuemonia, and surgical wound infections), salmonella (which causes severe diarrhea), shigella dysenteriae (which causes severe diarrhea), and e-coli (which causes bloody diarrhea). These germs tend to proliferate on sponges and cutting boards, but they can be […]

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