October 22, 2009

How to Get Beautiful Nails

Most of us spend a lot of time making sure that our face and hair look great. Why? Because it’s usually the first thing a person sees and notices about us. However, a good impression of your appearance can be turned upside down quickly after they shake your hand and notice poorly cared-for nails. That’s […]

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October 21, 2009

Advice on How to Recycle E-Waste

E-waste is just the latest term for all your leftover electronics. With technology progressing so fast, many people have tons of old TVs, computers, cell phones, and other old stuff just lying around the house not being used. It?s important not to just throw your electronics away. They contain harmful chemicals and heavy metals that […]

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October 20, 2009

Six Fun and Green Outdoor Activities

Remember when you were young and played outside all day? Most children don’t do that anymore and they’re missing out, not just on exercise and fresh air but a true appreciation for nature and our environment. Here are six fun and green outdoor activities to encourage more time outdoors. #1 Host a scavenger nature hunt. […]

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October 19, 2009

The Sustainable Furniture Council

Unless you’re involved in the interior design or furniture manufacturing industry or are deeply involved in the green movement, you may not have heard of the Sustainable Furniture Council. However, it’s an organization worth getting to know. The Sustainable Furniture Council is a non-profit group of suppliers, manufacturers, retailers, and designers formed to promote sustainable […]

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