March 17, 2009

Kids, Rudeness, and Teaching Moments

by Mark Brandenburg “Here’s your water bottle, James!” The eight-year-old snatched the bottle hard out of his mother’s hand, and said, “Give me that!” A chorus of nervous laughter followed from the parents nearby, including the boy’s mother. James sauntered off, without acknowledging his mother’s offering, or the presence of the other parents in the […]

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March 16, 2009

Who’s The boss? You or Your Strong-Willed Child?

by Nicole MacKenzie I’m sure you’ve encountered (and perhaps have one of your own) what could be called an exceptionally “strong-willed” child. No easy-going cherub, this one. Instead, it seems like even the smallest parental request inevitably turns into a major battle of the wills. You’re faced with stupendous temper tantrums often accompanied by kicking […]

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March 15, 2009

Tips on Giving Your Child A “Time-Out”

by Nicole MacKenzie What does a time-out really look like? To be effective, a time-out is an immediate instant feedback technique that is done right where the child is. The child simply sits on the floor with hands on knees. The rule is to sit quietly until you are “done”. Note that if you are […]

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March 14, 2009

My Kids Are Driving Me Crazy

(And What to do About It) by Mark Brandenburg My kids are driving me crazy! It’s a refrain that’s being heard around the country. My kids are driving me crazy! Help! And when you conduct parent workshops, the same issues that produce that refrain come up over and over for parents. No matter where you […]

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March 13, 2009

The 21st Century Parent

by Mark Brandenburg John was a 43 year-old sales manager at a large company. He’s married and has 3 children, ages 7, 9, and 12. His wife works part-time as a nursing assistant, and they both do as much as they can to parent their children well. John has developed serious doubts about his ability […]

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