December 30, 2008

Money Saving Tips

photo credit: ken + Having a contingency account or a “rainy day” fund as our grandparents used to call it, is smart. If you want to set aside money for vacation instead of charging it, if you want to have an emergency fund in case something unexpected happens, or if you just like knowing that […]

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December 29, 2008

Are You Living Beyond Your Means?

photo credit: pfala More Americans than ever are deep in debt and the debt load is growing. The reason this situation exists is because so many live beyond their means. Spending more than you earn means you’re not saving any money, which puts you in a precarious financial situation. Here are some ways to know […]

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December 27, 2008

How to Make a Family Budget

Whether you want to save some money, get a handle on your family’s spending habits or just become better with your finances overall, setting up a family budget can be a good idea. Setting up a family budget can help you get control and reach your goals, whether long term like getting that new addition […]

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December 26, 2008

Home Business Ideas for Moms

photo credit: truello It’s nearly impossible for many families to make it on one income these days, and yet more of us moms are deciding to stay home to raise the kids. It’s becoming more and more necessary for us to earn some extra money from home. Thank goodness there are lots of ways to […]

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