November 5, 2008

Help! My Baby Keeps Spitting Up!

Q: My breastfed baby spits up frequently. Is there something I’m eating that could be causing this? Could it be reflux? Or is this normal? A: If your baby is spitting up, even if it’s a frequent occurrence, it’s rarely a sign of a serious problem. In fact, “In a healthy baby,” according to the […]

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November 4, 2008

Lavender Essential Oil for Babies

photo credit: lrargerich Lavender essential oil has many uses and is safe for babies. You can use lavender on baby bedding to help baby fall asleep, for instance. It also has antimicrobial properties. Here is a wonderful article detailing more uses for lavender oil for babies. Lavender: A Mom’s Best Friend Straight from the Earth, […]

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